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Saturday, 5 May 2007

Still on track

I must really apologise for another late update. I know I said I would update more regularly but NEPA/PHCN has been so mean. Right after my last update, NEPA cut us off from modern living, 12 whole days without electricity and as if that was not bad enough, our generator broke down. My service provider was also acting up. I lost more than five drafts because could not connect. Was I frustrated? Living life in Nigeria as a Nigerian is a very big challenge.

Now back to my reason for being here. Brisk Walking and jogging are two ways of revving up one's metabolic engine. I used to enjoy my brisk walks mainly because I couldn't jog for 5 minutes without feeling tired, no matter how I tried. I would run out of breathe and pant heavily. Until I met a lady who suggested I join her in jogging everyday. I told her I couldn't jog and that I would rather walk fast to keep up with her pace. She replied by telling me it was all in my mind. All I needed to do was to make up my mind, build up my stamina gradually until I became strong enough to jog for longer stretches. She said: "Never say you cannot. Unless you try, you'll never know what you are capable of doing, if you only set your mind at it". Well,that helped.

The next day, I tried to go more than 5minutes, then a little above 10 minutes the day after. Gradually, I added more minutes (not without aches,pains and grumblings). I was tired and aching all over but I knew I had to challenge myself. I had to build up my stamina. Infact when Mr Somebody gave me some signals one night, I told him to cool down and relax. My excuse being that I needed all the stamina I could gather to help me jog the next morning. I was that serious. Did he listen? No! Did I give in? No......... yes.......eventually.

I really suprised myself last week when I jogged for 30 minutes, then 45minutes non-stop. It was unbelievable. I was so happy with myself. If I keep at it, I could join in the MTN marathon later this year.

Some of the comments I got from my last post were very flattering. I may not look big but I know I am big. I weighed over 114kg last month. My Body Mass Index is too high considering my age and height( 5' 10'). I know I need to get rid of at least 40kg. The doctor has warned me about the health risks associated with being overweight.

I saw a friend of mine today (We met at the gym last year). I noticed that she had lost so much weight already. On a closer look at her, I also observed that she was talking to me with her teeth tightly clenched together. She had 'tied her mouth' and was now on a forced liquid diet. I remember doing the same thing about 8 years ago. I went on a liquid diet but I was prompted (by extreme hunger) to remove the braces two weeks after. I remember being so hungry that I resorted to sucking indomie noodles through the gap between my two front teeth. I was a size 14 then and I thought I was fat.

Anyway, I'm still trying to adjust to my new program. Getting up at 5am to jog is not as groovy as I thought, but I'm sure I'll get used to it in no time.

Here are some more gym pics.: -

Going for our brisk walk

Let the exercises begin.......

You go girl!!!......

La derriere de Mrs Somebody est tres grande!!!


LondonBuki said...

Well done you :-)

Admin UD said...

You know me nah! so as usual, Kudos and keep doing ya thang.

Dont mind NEPA pipo jare, they're just a fcuking pain in da a$$

LondonBuki said...

Mrs S, please be careful with those wooden steps in your step class.

They don't look as stable as the real steps.

Admin UD said...

Geeez, wats wit da tying of mouth and feeding only on liquids...Now, i've lost it!

Azuka said...

There's a limit to how much we can restrict ourselves -- it's just like trying not to breathe for a while.

La derriere de... funny!

Unknown said...

Well Done Maam! Jogging for 30 and 45minutes non stop! Thats nice. You've left me behind. I dont think I'm running 10 minutes non stop yet. Better start training for the MTN marathon if you've got in in your sights. You'll be surprised what you can achieve once you set your mind to it.

Anonymous said...

First-off, loving the blog!
The liquid diet your friend's on is a bit extreme don't you think? I wouldn't last with those braces for more than a day! So true about building up stamina gradually. I used to struggle with my weight. A year ago, if you'd told me to run thirty minutes on a treadmill, I would have laughed in your face. Now I run 40 minutes non-stop. It really is all about persistence and committment. You're doing a wonderful job thus far and I'm wishing you the best! Good luck!

Unknown said...

I'm very proud you can run so much already...keep up the good work...

UnNaked Soul said...

well done darling *wink*

Anonymous said...

Wow !!
Inspiring !!
My friend in PH also wired her teeth once !!

You cant have it done in the US ....I guess because of the risks !!!!!

Mommy said...

Noooo! I dont think wiring the teeth is a measure at all (she just dey punish herself). Its all in the mind if you ask me. So keep doing ya thing gal. Well done.

exschoolnerd said...

keep up the good work..Thou shalt not relent like me...

Daddy's Girl said...

Well done Mrs Somebody! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Well done! I know you will reach your target, just keep perservering. Jogging for 30 mins already? Wow!

Waffarian said...

Ah ah!!!!!jogging for 30 minutes? Oh girl, the weight is going to drop off you, you wait and see! well done! Very well done!

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work
it will pay off ....soon...

Anonymous said...

hello mrs,its my first time on ur blog,and its good.keep up ur hard work,gainig weight is so easy but getting rid of it is the hardest,its good ur concerned about ur health relating to weight,most nigerian women ignore it.Also,pls am curious about that teeth lock thing,wow! i've never heard about it before.i have heard about the liquid diet,but not up to that level...geez! why so extreme? why not just drink it the self dicipline to resist solid food? i cant possibily imagine it.does it hurt? and is this fixed in naija? sorry for asking too much questions,but am really shocked.thanks. Sx

Unknown said...

This is my first time on here and you sound like you're making a real effort to lose weight and I really believe you'll do it ... well done!

One thing I have notices is that you're very derogatory about yourself and you need to stop that ... give yourself credit for what you've achieved and stop calling yourself fat all the time. You wouldn't talk to your best friend like that so why is it okay for you to speak about yourself like that?

Good luck!

♥♫♪nyemoni♫♪♥ said...

Hey Mrs! Well done eh? Good luck! You'll definitely reach your goal cos you're trying really hard... Good job!

Bella Naija said...

Keeep it up!!!!!
Wooot? Liquid Diet...that is kinda extreme...I feel bad for the babe, I just hope it doesnt affect her health.
Anyways, u go girl! U can do it!

Anonymous said...

keep it up... you're working so hard.. you'll see the results sooner than you think...

CandySprinkles said...

I love your blog! Keep it up! xx

Lola said...

Oh hello mrs. somebody!!! just came to your blog via Funmi Iyanda's. I'm glad and happy for you that you are working really hard to loose the weight. You asked where the size 22 (british) people are and about a size 22 (american)!!!!! Oh yes, that used to be my dress size. Used to. But now i'm a size 12 (american) and all of that without wiring my teeth shut or liquid diets or atkins or anything crazy like that! just regular exercise, and diet lifestyle change. that's all you really need so keep at it. I think the first step though, really, it may sound odd but i think it helps, is to strip yaself naked, yes NEKKID, step in front of a full length mirror and LOOK. YUP. but instead of looking at the things you don't like, look at the things you DO like about your body, even if it's your nose, or the fact that you DO have an ass (lol) or your smile or your eyes, whatever.

Loving who you are and trying to make sure that person lives life to the fullest capacity and for long, without diseases or illness like diabetes, heart disease, etc., is the key to long term weight loss.

Keep it up!

Cheetarah said...

yea!, glad to see your on track! Minwhile howfa with the temptation naija clip, put it up now?

Justme said...

like Vickii said, stop making derogatory comments about yourself. Keep up the good work! You havent mentioned anything about eating fruits and veggies o!

Tyra!!! said...

Weldone. Keep up staying fit. Its essential.

Tyra!!! said...

I am slim but not fit. It pays to work out. Weldone.

Bitchy said...

Mrs Somebody, you are very brave. Well done. YOU CAN DO IT as Cheetarah said. You definitely sound now, like you know that you can. And that's great!

Copido said...

I think i'll be joining you soon. I am grossly overweight too...hehehe

chioma said...

well wa you must live in lekki(am I right) wish i had people to jog such luck where i live.So keep on going strong and remeber we are all waiting to see a new sexier Mrs somebody! pls who is this g guy who tells people to check his website?na wa..Anyway just continue to put God first and you will be suprised at the results.

chioma said...

why djust out of curiosity why do people wire their teeth?

Waffarian said...

This is a call to all Nigerian bloggers worldwide to become a part of An anthology of the greatest works of Nigerian Bloggers-

A book called Naija bloggers Vol 1.

Nigerian Bloggers around the globe are requested to send in their stories or recommend great posts for the publication of a physical anthology, the first of its kind by any group of bloggers on any continent.

The categories are anecdotes, short stories, poetry, prose, drama and essays but there is room for as many sub-categories as are sent in as the book will also serve as a platform where artistes can showcase architectural/interior/exterior designs, photography, paintings as well as fashion and textile designs. Submissions are therefore welcome on any topic whether covered here or not. For more information, please go to:

diary of a G said...

Well done

Mrs Somebody said...

@ Londonbuki..........Thanks dear.

@ Ugo Daniels..........Thank you oko naruca.Don't even mention NEPA,those people ehn? Only God will judge them.

@ Londonbuki......those wooden steps are all we've got here in Lagos.I've checked 4 gyms so far and that's all I see.Anyway we are used to hard life out here.
Thanks for the concern.

@ Ugo Daniels......People tie their mouth because they can't open it to put in any solid food.Only liquids can slide through.That way, it helps them to lose the weight.

@ Azuka.....yeah you are so right.It's like holding your breathe.

@ Calabar gal.....Thanks big sis.You've been a big encouragement.

@ emz.....Thanks for loving my blog.Yes the liquid diet is extreme but if it works for you,then why not?

@ omo-obanta......I'm proud of you too.thanks love.

@ unNaked soul.......Thanks *wink*.

@ naija dreams......My friend has lost the weight already.The tying of the jaws is somewhat illegal.I guess that's why it's not done in the US.

@ Mommy......It's 'werking' for her already-o.But she still needs to be strong -willed to maintain the sudden weight drop.

@ exschoolnerd.......Thanks for encouraging me.Why don't you join me instead?Don't give up,let's do it again.

@ daddy's girl....Thanks jare.

@ Im......Ose gan.

@ Waffarian.....My gal for life!You dey encourage me well well-o! Warri no dey carry last.

Mrs Somebody said...

@Mystoriesmytestimonies......Imela nwanne nwanyi.

@ Anonymous.......You said it right.Gaining weight is so easy but sheding it is a tug of war.Locking one's jaws prevents the person from opening it and by so doing, food cannot enter.It is a painful procedure but anaesthaesia is used to numb the gum.Of course the pain will come back after the anaesthaesia wears off.

@ Vickii.......Thanks for coming over.Do I sound derogatory about myself?Well I guess it's because I know that people out there make fun of me so by 'yabbing' myself first,I leave nothing much for them to laugh about.

@ Nyemoni.....Thank you my darling.I'm considering the pure lemonade approach.Thanks to you.

@ Bella naija....That babe has lost weight-o.I saw her again and she has dropped 2 dress sizes already.

@ONB......It's always good to see you here on my blog.Thanks for nudging me on.

@ Candysprinkles.....I'll deftinately keep it up.Thank you.

@ Lola.....Will you be my health adviser?Your message/comment went deep.I stripped myself and stood in front of the mirror but I still didn't like what i saw.
So you were once a size 22?and now a 12?WAOW! I'm highly motivated.Thanks for sharing this with me.

@ Cheetarah....I'll put up the clip once I figure out how to do that.

@ justme.....Okay! I'll stop making naughty comments about myself.As for the fruits and veggies,I've not been taking plenty.But I'll do that ASAP!

@ Vera Ikeji.....Thanks for stopping by my blog.You can be fit and slim so start working on it okay!That's a good girl.

@ Bitchy.....Thank you-o.I won't disappoint my friends in blogsville nor myself.I've got the will power.
